Kells Presbyterian Team Look Back on Hungary Trip

A Kells Presbyterian Team have recently returned from a successful mission trip to Hungary.

Fourteen members of Kells & Eskylane Presbyterian Churches in County Antrim, have returned from the expedition to Pécel.  Pécel is a small town on the eastern outskirts of Budapest.
During their weeklong stay, the team of nine women and five men conducted a Holiday Bible Club for the Biblia Szovetseg (Bible Union). This is an evangelical grouping within the Hungarian Reformed Church.
Two age groups participated in the club. Young people aged 14-17 where joined by people in the 18-30 bracket.
A total of 36 people took part alongside 16 Hungarian helpers who worked with the Western visitors.

Rev Brian Boyd, who led the Kells Presbyterian team expedition to Hungary, told The Church Page about the trip.

“We taught bible lessons on the 5 Solas of the Reformation.  We had sessions on Irish History too, including St. Patrick and the coming of Presbyterians to Ireland. The Battle of the Boyne, the potato famine & the Titanic were also covered. There were regular activity sessions, memory verses, praise times and games. In the evenings a number of social activities including sightseeing were undertaken.”

Looking back on the highpoints and difficulties of the expedition, Brian added.

“The main challenge was language but the Hungarian translators were excellent. The Hungarian young people were highly motivated and eager to learn so the teaching was a pleasure. Their musical talents in particular were outstanding.”
“After many years of running these we are happy with the programme and the young people seemed to love it. The relationships between Northern Irish and Hungarians were excellent even when Northern Ireland scored in the last minute to beat Hungary 7-6 in the traditional football game.”

The team would like the Christian community to remember the following points for prayer arising from their trip.

A. That God’s word would continue to do its work in young lives
B. For the ongoing work of the Biblia Szovetseg
C. For a potential return visit by Hungarians to Kells.

For more information on Kells Presbyterian Church, log on to their website here.

biblia szovetseghungarykells & eskylane presbyterian churcheskells presbyterian church