All welcome to PCI Wednesday Night Celebration
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come along to the PCI Wednesday Night Celebration at Assembly Buildings. This event is part of the Presbyterian Church’s General Assembly week and is always a much anticipated evening. It takes place on Wednesday 7th June 2017 and will focus on the theme ‘Everyday Disciples’. The well-known author and speaker, Vaughan Roberts, Rector of St. Ebbe’s Church in Oxford will give the keynote address.
The incoming Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI), Rev Dr Noble McNeely, will host the evening. Many others will also be taking part. The programme for the celebration will include a presentation on how the Church relates to those who have a learning disability, whether they are young or old. This is a subject close to the heart of Dr McNeely and which will play a key role in his year as Moderator.
In keeping with this particular theme, a short DVD about Aaron House will be shown. It is a residential care home in Dundonald for people with a profound learning disability. Ruth Bromley, PCI Children’s Development Officer, will conduct an interview with Stephen and Louise Lowry on how congregations can best minister to individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities.
A second presentation will also take place during the evening. This will highlight the discipling of young people. Special emphasis will be on the youth ministry of ‘Young Life International’ and some of PCI’s youth ministry.
In his address, Vaughan Roberts will continue the theme of ‘Everyday Disciples’. He will be exploring what this means for us today.
The Rector of St. Ebbe’s came to faith as he read through Matthew’s Gospel for himself as a teenager. After studying law at Cambridge University, he spent a short time in South Africa doing student ministry. He moved back to England and to Oxford to study Theology. Vaughan then joined the staff of St. Ebbe’s Church in 1991 to lead the student ministry. He has been Rector there since 1998 and is now also the Director of the Proclamation Trust. This is an organisation that encourages and equips Bible teachers.
This year’s PCI Wednesday Night Celebration is on 7th June. Vaughan Roberts will give the keynote address.
“In recent years, our society has increasingly shifted from its Christian moorings. That can leave followers of Christ lost and out of step with those around us. What does it mean to live as Christian disciples in this situation?
“Peter addresses exactly that question in his first letter in the New Testament, which was written to Christians facing alienation and hostility from society. His teaching urges us to resist the opposing temptations that face us: to go with the flow and just fit in with those around us, or withdraw as much as possible into holy huddles. The way of true discipleship demands that we remain both distinct and lovingly engaged, as we pray that our friends and neighbours would also come to see the glory of God in Christ.”
During the evening celebration, praise will be led by Aaron Ditty. Also an offering will be collected for the Sensory Garden Project at Aaron House and the East Africa Disaster Appeal.
The PCI Wednesday Night Celebration takes place Wednesday 7th June 2017. The venue is the Assembly Hall, Assembly Buildings, Belfast and begins at 7.45pm. This is a free, non-ticketed event, and all are welcome. Click here for details of the General Assembly 2017 programme. Follow PCI on Twitter here.