Mandy Clarke Founder of Bigheart Ministries
Mandy Clarke, founder of local charity Bigheart Ministries, is preparing to return to Uganda, East Africa. She is going to continue Bigheart Ministries work there among some of the poorest of people, to empower them spiritually and practically.
Mandy explains what she hopes to do during her visit.
“The trip will be to follow up on areas where we have already sown into lives. To revisit three churches planted in Northern Uganda from the ministry’s conception in 2007. The Lord has clearly spoken and said “answer the call”. I will be visiting villages where Circle of Blessing project and the Bread Basket was taught, Lwanda Village near Jinja, Gulu, Northern Uganda. Also a group with men and woman who are challenged with leprosy, many others with AIDS and also a widow’s group.”
She added, “Our Bible Based Business Teaching together with Home Budget teaching and the practical side of bringing the ladies to a new level in baking bread will continue. Bigheart will meet with an already established Women’s Group at Bwegorgere Full Gospel Church under the leadership of Pr Christopher Khule, to build another bread oven. Pastors are already mobilising the people, praying and fasting. We expect God to show up in ways we have not experienced before.”
Mandy Clarke, founder of Bigheart Ministries asks if you can help as they desperately need Bibles in East Africa.
Mandy is highly expectant due to the swiftness and provision for her return to Africa. Revival has broken out in East Africa and the hunger for God’s word exceeds the ability for the people to obtain Bibles. Bigheart is aiming to provide many Bibles to new converts. They need your help! A Bible sourced from the Bible Society in Kampala costs around £6.00, that’s about the same as two cups of coffee. Please prayerfully consider supporting the work. You can do this via Paypal on Bigheart Ministries Facebook page or logging onto their website here. Mark your giving clearly as ‘BIBLES’ so that the mission can be accountable to those who give.
God has now raised up a project emphasising creativity in the City of Belfast through Bigheart Ministries. Called Potters Cottage Workshops, this is in partnership with Place of Victory for All Nations, 2 Amelia Street, Belfast.
Mandy went on to say: “The facility is within the church building. It aims to reach people from all walks of life, culture, age, status and gender. It also offers free workshops for the visually impaired, handicapped and homeless groups in our city.”
“A pilot Workshop on Vision has been hugely successful. We are running it periodically throughout the year along with many others to include Pottery, De Coupage, Prophetic Art. Also Dance, Online Computer Selling, Jewellery to name a few.
The next VISION workshop is on 27th May 2017 at 10.00am-1.00pm. We are encouraging others to come and unlock their potential through creativity. Also to learn about the practical gospel expressed a similar pattern to that which happens in Africa”, says Mandy.
Would you like to know more or become involved? Please contact Mandy on 07784 413494 or send a message to