Job opportunity with Mission Africa

A job opportunity has arisen with Mission Africa for a Short-Term Missions Co-Ordinator relating to Kenya.

For anyone who doesn’t know, Mission Africa is an interdenominational evangelical protestant mission, who want to share the love of Jesus with the people of Africa; reaching the unreached, loving the unloved, discipling new believers.

Revealing more about this exciting new role, a Mission Africa spokesperson told The Church Page:
“Do you love Jesus? Are you considering mission overseas? We are looking for someone to join our team in Kenya to grow and develop our short-term ministry. Could this be you?

“This exciting new role is a full-time post, initially for three years. The person appointed will work alongside our church partners in Kenya and our team in Belfast to develop new and existing opportunities for summer teams, medical electives and short-term missionaries.”

Email for an application pack. Deadline for applications is 15th November 2021. For more information on Mission Africa, visit

church partnerskenyamission africamissions co-ordinatorreaching the unreachedshare the love of jesus