Six new Deacons ordained in Connor Diocese

Six new deacons were ordained in Connor Diocese at a recent service in St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast.

Two of whom, Brendan O’Loan, ordained for St Patrick’s, Jordanstown, and Janet Spence, ordained for St Stephen’s and St Luke’s and the Parish of St Michael, Belfast, will serve in the Ordained Local Ministry. Sarah Crawford was ordained for the Parish of Derryvolgie; Andrea Cotter for the Parish of Skerry, Rathcavan and Newtowncrommelin; Nathan Ervine for the Parish of Magheragall; and Alan McCracken for the United Parish of Ballynure and Ballyeaston.

Pictured with Bishop George Davison at St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, before the Service of Ordination of Deacons are, from left: Brendan O’Loan, Alan McCracken, Janet Spence, Andrea Cotter; Nathan Ervine and Sarah Crawford.

This was the Rt Rev George Davison’s first ordination service since he was consecrated Bishop of Connor on September 3rd 2020. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the service was open to invited guests only. The service was conducted under strict Covid-19 guidelines. All those in attendance were temperature tested before entering the building and everyone, including clergy, wore face coverings or visors unless exempt. There was no congregational singing, although hymns and anthems were sung by Cathedral Choir, socially distanced in the choir stalls and conducted by Director of Music, Matthew Owens. At Communion bread only was served, which was eaten on return to seats. Bishop George used hand sanitiser between the laying on of the hands with each candidate, and the sign of the peace was spoken only.

The preacher at the service was the Ven Barry Forde, Chaplain at Queen’s University Belfast, and recently appointed Archdeacon of Belfast.

You can read more news from the Diocese of Connor on their website here.

connor diocesecovid-19new deacons ordainedrt rev george davisonst anne's cathedralven barry forde