Mid-Antrim CEF Summer Camp online – Monday 20th-Friday 24th July 2020

This year the Child Evengelism Fellowship, (CEF) Mid Antrim camp will be held from Monday 20th – Friday 24th July 2020. It is for children between 8-11 (Juniors) and young people between 12-15 (Inters). Those who book early will receive a pack with everything they need for the week….quiet times, crafts etc. Then each day they can join in the online activities and teaching.

Going to summer camp has long been a staple for many children in Northern Ireland. Each summer, camp centres around the country are full of excited children enjoying games, activities, trips, craft and Bible teaching. Child Evangelism Fellowship has run such camps for decades, in places like Kilkeel, Donegal, and Portstewart. In the Mid Antrim area the camp has, in recent years, been held in Bangor. But not this year. This year camp can be held in your own living room! Children cannot enjoy a week away with their friends, but they can still have something of the camp experience and some of the camp camaraderie, along with a good night’s sleep in their own bed.

Camp has always been a special and beneficial time for children and teenagers. They have great fun and make memories that last for years. They learn and grow so much
This year will be different, but we trust it will still be a special time. A time they enjoy and remember, and a time in which they grow and develop.
Don’t forget to book by the 26th June on the email address below, so that your child or teen receives the camp pack. The camp leaders are busily planning and look forward to seeing many come along to ‘camp’ in July.

To book your child’s place, e-mail: camp@cefmidantrim.com

child evangelism fellowshipmid-antrim cef summer campsummer camp online