Harvest Thanksgiving Mission at Carnlea Mission Hall

Sunday 29th September – Friday 4th October 2019

You are invited to a week long Harvest Thanksgiving Mission at Carnlea Mission Hall, outside Ballymena. It will take place from Sunday 29th September until Friday 4th October 2019.
Sunday night’s gathering will get underway at 8:15pm with weeknight meetings beginning at 8pm.

The speakers for the week will be Rev Jeffery Blue, Minister of Rasharkin Presbyterian Church and Rev Roland Watt, who occupies the pulpit at Killymurris Presbyterian Church.

Praise will be led by various singers from Sunday to Thursday.

On Friday 4th, Christian Author and Journalist, Joe Boyd, will testify to the goodness of God in his life. Joe was pronounced as ‘mentally retarded’ at the age of one-and-a-half but by the grace of God has married, graduated twice and worked as a journalist for nearly 25 years. From 1997-2015, he wrote for the Ballymena Times before joining The Church Page four years ago. His autobiography, ‘Trading Places: ‘From Hopelessness to Happiness’ was released by Timeless Publications earlier this year.

The address for Carnlea Mission Hall is 19 Loughmagarry Road, Ballymena BT43 6TW (just off the dual carriageway between Ballymena and Glarryford)

‘Give thanks to the Lord for He is good’ (1 Chronicles 16: 34)

carnlea mission hallharvest thanksgiving missionharvest thanksgiving mission at carnlea mission halljoe boydkillymurris presbyterian churchrasharkin presbyterian churchrev jeffrey bluerev roland watt