Active Evangelism seek support for Mission Trip 2019

God’s servants at Active Evangelism (Northern Ireland) are planning a Mission Trip to Saltney in Chester, England from Saturday 19th until Saturday 26th October 2019.

For anyone who is new to their work, Active Evangelism is a ministry set up to encourage churches and groups to go out into the highways and byways and be active and effective in evangelism in their area.

Throughout the week the visiting team of young men from Ballymoney, Belfast and Lisburn will be based in the Odd Fellows Hall, Saltney.
From there, they plan to run Open Air Meetings and Outreach Nights every evening at 7.30pm.

Revealing more about their plans, Tom McDonald from Active Evangelism told The Church Page:
“The aim of the mission is to reach out to the unreached in this area with the good news of the gospel.
This has been in the planning for the past year with the group meeting for prayers once a month. They have already covered door to door work in the Saltney area”, he added.

Active Evangelism Mission Trip to Saltney, Chester

Tom went on to say: “With any mission comes expenses. We must cover costs of hall hire and accommodation for the team to stay. A fundraising page has been set up on Facebook. If anybody feels they can contribute we will be very grateful. Every penny is accounted for and goes straight to the mission account.”

You will find the Active Evangelism fundraising page here.

active and effective in evangelismactive evangelismactive evangelism mission tripchestergood news of the gospelopen air meetingsoutreach nightssaltney