Successful Sign Language Classes at Dunseverick Baptist Church

Dunseverick Baptist Church, a fellowship on the beautiful North Coast, recently held British Sign Language classes for people interested in working with those who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

A spokesperson for the Church penned the following article explaining why the classes were organised and the heart behind them.

They write:

“What made the ministry and message of Jesus unique was his personal appreciation of others and his impact on their lives.
Jesus embraced those socially marginalised. Jesus empowered those physically disabled and he emancipated those spiritually lost.
The Bible sums this up in one verse. John 3v16 “For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish but have everlasting life”.
Following the example of Jesus and being a welcoming and all-inclusive Church at Dunseverick Baptist, we decided to hold a British Sign Language course and form a Welcome Team who will meet and greet and translate for the Deaf alongside James McVicker.
James is a member of our church who works with the Deaf and Blind community here in Northern Ireland.
The evenings are interactive with a practical teaching method in a relaxed environment with refreshments to follow.
A wide age range has got involved, from Primary school to Pensioners! Everyone has a passion for learning more and aiding communication with our Deaf brothers and sisters.

Sign Language Classes at Dunseverick Baptist Church. Is this something your church could host?

If you wish to find out more or get in contact with Dunseverick Baptist Church, look us up on Facebook here. Anyone who wishes to host a similar sort of course in their church are more than welcome to contact James McVicker via”

british sign languagedeaf or hard of hearingdunseverick baptist churchsign language classes at dunseverick baptist church
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