R.E.A.L. DAY Ladies Conference – Hillside Community Church

You can register now for the R.E.A.L DAY Ladies Conference at Hillside Community Church, Ballymena. It is taking place on Saturday 3rd March 2018 – this workshop-based day will run from 9:45am – 4:00pm. There will be the opportunity to participate in two of the workshops, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Conference goers may choose from the following workshops:

Did I Really Say That?! – Workshop Leader: Liz McCrory

Often in everyday discussions and differences of opinion, what we say is not always what the other person hears. How do we handle ourselves when the situation becomes tense and the conversation gets strained? How can we disengage in a calm and responsible way and re-engage in a loving, Christ-like way? What can we say to calm the situation? What verbal and non-verbal triggers do we look for? Can we be happy to have an exchange where we see to be understood, but not agreed with? This is a very interactive and thought-provoking workshop.

The Power of Simple Prayer – Workshop Leader: Janice Courtney

We all agree that prayer is our lifeline to God. Spending time with Him is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. So why are our prayer meetings attended with such reluctance? We can also carry a perpetual feeling of guilt that we are not praying enough. Come to this practical workshop and learn some good, basic principles that might just transform your relationship with the Father.

Pursuing an Authentic Walk With God – Workshop Leader: Anne Cairns

What does an authentic walk with God look like? Is it something we just talk about or it is something we do? We all have an ideal ‘walk’ in our head and imagination but how does this measure up to the Biblical standard we see and learn of in scripture? What is the baggage we dearly hold on to without questioning its authenticity and origins? How does it hold us back from pursuing that relationship with the Father that our heart and Spirit longs for? Do you want to know more about growing and changing with the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit? This is your workshop!

There will be tea/coffee on arrival and lunch will be served at 1:00pm.

The cost of the conference, including tea/coffee and lunch is £20.

Register now for the R.E.A.L. DAY Ladies Conference at Hillside Community Church on 3rd March.

To register for R.E.A.L DAY Ladies conference please contact Margaret at realday@yahoo.com. It would be helpful if you could register before Friday 23rd February 2018.

To find out more about Hillside Community Church in Ballymena, visit their website here. Also find them on Facebook here. The church address is Doury Road, Ballymena BT43 6SA.

ballymenahillside community churchladiesladies conferenceR.E.A.L day ladies conference