Is Your Church Internet Security Up-To-Date?

Is your church internet security up-to-date? Not the normal topic we write about on The Church Page but one which churches need to think about as much as anyone else! Most of us will have read or heard about the recent ransomware attack which affected computer systems across the world. Scary stuff, but all of us who use computers can take steps to protect our systems.

Is your Church Internet Security up-to-date?

Many churches use computers on a regular basis nowadays. They too need to be kept as safe as possible from viruses, malware and all the other nasty stuff floating around cyberspace. If you’re responsible for your church or related organisation’s computer/s, are they as safe as they can be? When did you last update the operating system? Are you using good internet security? We’re not going to go write a long article here with lots of technical jargon about internet security, etc. However, you might find this blog post from Galgorm based MCC Computers very interesting. It includes an interview with Gordon from MCC which was broadcast on QRadio recently, where he discusses various internet security issues. Click here to listen to the interview. You can also read more information about Internet Security here.

They say prevention is better than cure and this is also true in the computer world. So this is a quick reminder to ask is your church internet security up-to-date?


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