Methodist Church Tuesday Tea Dances

You’re invited to a series of Ballymena Methodist Church Tuesday Tea Dances starting on Tuesday 13th September 2016. They continue on Tuesday 11th October,  Tuesday 8th November  and Tuesday 13th December at their congregation’s Church Hall. The Tea Dances will run from 2.00 – 4.00pm each day. Ballymena Methodist Church Hall is located on the Ballymoney Road, Ballymena.

Encouraging as many people as possible to come along, a spokesperson for Ballymena Methodist Church said, “We are hoping to make these dances an occasion where people from all sections of the community can come together. We aim to create a friendly, social venue to have some fun and hopefully make friends.

We would love to see as many people as possible attend our Methodist Church Tuesday tea dances and enjoy a friendly, welcoming atmosphere.”

Tickets for Ballymena Methodist Church Tuesday Tea Dances are available at the Braid or pay at the door.

Tickets for each one will cost just £3 per person, which will include tea and biscuits. They are available from the Braid Arts Centre reception desk in Ballymena or you can pay at the door.

To find out more about what’s happening at Ballymena Methodist Church, log on to their website or find them on Facebook here.

ballymena methodist churchbraid arts centrecommunitymethodist church tuesday tea dancestuesday tea dances