Scripture Union Camps And Missions 2016

Scripture Union Camps and Missions – many Church Page readers are likely to have been on at least one Scripture Union camp at some stage, either while still at school or as a leader. SUNI camps provide great opportunities for our young people to make friends, to have fun and to talk seriously about their faith and relationship with Jesus. With camps aimed to suit different ages, boys, girls & mixed, pursuit & adventure camps, etc there is certainly going to be a camp to suit everyone.

We want to highlight a mixed primary age camp being organised and run by a Ballymena couple. There are still spaces available for this camp so it’s not too late to sign up. We’ll give you a flavour of what will happen throughout the week and hopefully will encourage those of you with primary age children to sign them up for a fantastic week of fun. As well as fun and games there will be lots of emphasis on Jesus and how we can have a relationship with Him. You’ll find a link to the booking form at the end of this article.

This particular SUNI Camp will be at Fivemiletown, Co Fermanagh from 9th to 16th July 2016. Staying at Fivemiletown College the cost for the week is £140. Here’s what they have to say about this camp –

It’s going to be an amazing week at 5miletown camp full of opportunities to meet new friends and be reunited with old ones. There will be sports, games, music, drama, cookery, photography and art. We have planned trips to go shopping and do water sports alongside messy challenges, water fights and lots of swimming at our very own pool on site! Most importantly we’ll have loads of time to learn from the Bible and discover how we can live our lives in a relationship with Jesus. We study the Bible each day in lots of fun and practical ways to help you learn more about what it means to be a Christian.

Scripture Union Camps and Missions 2016 – see links below to this year’s literature, including the 5miletown Camp, and the booking form.

Click here to go to the relevant part of the Scripture Union Camps and Missions 2016 (SUNI) website where you can view or download the complete Camps 2016 brochure, or click here for the specific camp in 5miletown which we’ve highlighted in this article (junior mixed camp for P5 to P7)

If you’ve decided that you want to go to this or any of the camps you can download and fill out the application form here. You can keep up to date on the SUNI Camps and Missions Facebook page here.

ballymenacamps and missionsfivemiletownScripture Unionscripture union camps and missionssuni camp