TOGETHER – Life Changing Perspectives To Inspire Youth Ministry | Part 2

‘TOGETHER – Life changing perspectives to inspire youth ministry’ is a book published recently by the White Signature –  written by youth leaders for youth leaders, however this is going to be a very helpful and informative read for anyone with a real desire to be more effective in their Christian witness and learn from the combined experience of the leaders who have come together to write this book.

We wrote a brief introduction to the book and a ‘taster’ of the first topic – Disciple Making by Jim Brown (Director of Exodus Europe) – in our first blog which you can read here. This time we will look at “Landmark” 2 in the book – covering the subject of the Bible . This section of the book was written by Helen Warnock who is General Director of Scripture Union Northern Ireland. She has developed a deep passion for the Bible and wants to encourage this passion in the lives of our children and young people.

Taster 2 – In recent years, as I have been challenged over my own engagement with God through the Bible, I have rediscovered the heartbeat of this book ……. As we open the Bible we are meeting with a God, who for some reason, wants to reveal Himself to us; a God who wants us to know Him; a God who pours Himself out over every page and cries, “Come and get to know Me” *

Helen makes it very clear in this chapter that the Bible is not a manual or an instruction book which we only pick up when we need an answer to something. No, by reading the Bible we get to know God. Because of this fact and the importance of getting to know Him, Helen goes on to look in particular at how youth leaders can help their young people become more Biblically literate. One phrase in particular in this chapter which highlights this is  – ‘reading the Bible is not something we do; it’s someone we meet with’*  As you read through the chapter it is full of advice to help leaders and young people alike to discover or rediscover just how important it is to read the Bible regularly, so we can come and get to know God better!

If you’re involved in youth work then ‘TOGETHER – life changing perspectives to inspire youth ministry’ would be a great addition to your library. You can buy paper copies from any Faith Mission or Scripture Union bookshops, online from the website here and it’s also available to download for Kindle from the Amazon website.

To keep up to date with what’s happening check out their Facebook page here and you’ll find lots more information about the authors, the vision and lots more on their website here.

*Extracts written with permission

biblehelen warnockScripture Uniontogethertogether life changing perspectives to inspire youth ministryyoung peopleyouth leaders