Discovering Hebrew Gold – a new book by Roz Bowyer
Have you ever looked up Strong’s Concordance and wondered why many Old Testament Hebrew words can have such a wide range of meanings?
Writer, journalist, broadcaster and award-winning wedding cake designer, Roz Bowyer, will answer all your questions about the Hebrew language and more in her new book: ‘Discovering Hebrew Gold’ which has just been published.
Roz studied Hebrew as part of her Bachelor of Divinity degree 25 years ago but began examining the most common root meanings linking the word and focusing on the 22 characters of the Hebrew alphabet which would have been an early form of hieroglyphics.

She believes that this is a key time for the church to dig deeper as never before have we had access to Hebrew-English interlinear versions of the Old Testament yet the vast majority of the church knows nothing about Hebrew. This book is designed to create an opening into approaching the Hebrew text which can be very daunting – yet Roz has successfully taught home groups with no linguistic ability to have a fascination for this forgotten language.
The book can simply be read as a devotional highlighting key Hebrew concepts and imagery, or as a tool to aid the reader become familiar with the Hebrew letters and then embrace interlinear Hebrew translations.
Rev Desi Maxwell has written the foreword for ‘Discovering Hebrew Gold’. In his reflections, Dr Maxwell describes the work as ‘a fascinating treasure hunt’.
This book has the potential to radically revolutionise the way all believers approach personal Bible study, and the material will also provide many new ideas for group Bible studies.
Discovering Hebrew Gold is priced at £7.50 and can be purchased on Friday 16th October 2020 at Roz’s book signing at Green Pastures Church, Galgorm, Ballymena from 6.30pm – 8.30pm.
Roz currently broadcasts on 10Plus Radio – The Life Worth Living, an internet-based station. Her show is called The Honeypot – Words and Music to Revive the Soul. It can be heard every Friday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evening from 7pm. Click here to listen.