Gospel singer, Cherith Bell, will launch her new album, ‘Jesus at the Center’ on Saturday, 11th May 2019. The venue is Wellington Presbyterian Church, Ballymena and will start at 7:30pm.
Cherith, who was born and raised in Ballymena, is blessed with one of the most powerful and distinctive voices on the local Christian music scene right now.
Her 2016 debut recording, ‘His Life for Mine’ had a profound impact on everyone who heard it. Even people with little interest in Gospel music bought the album on the strength of Cherith’s incredible vocal:
“I can believe that was released three years ago in April”, quipped the 29-year-old.
“My new CD is very different and includes lots of hymns and worship songs that many listeners will recognise.
Personally, my favourite song is the title track ‘Jesus At the Center’. ‘Thank You for The Cross, Lord’ is also included along with ‘What A Friend We Have In Jesus’, sung to a tune that you may not expect.”
The simple truths conveyed by the words of ‘Jesus Loves Me’ are also featured on what is a well-known, yet deeply personal collection of songs.
Tracks for ‘Jesus at the Center’ were laid down over a seven-month period at Millstone Music in Downpatrick under the direction of David Jamison, who not only produced the collection but is also listed as drummer.
The other musicians to feature are Keith Bannister (Guitarist), David Newell (Pianist and keyboards), Kezia Montgomery (Tin Whistle and Flute) and John Kempton (Bass).
“We spent a lot of time practising together before going into the studio so I am grateful to the musicians and backing vocalists for all their time and effort whilst making it”, said Cherith.
“I can’t speak highly enough of David Jamison who was great throughout the whole process. I am nervous but excited to hear the result”, she admits.
Cherith says that she felt God’s blessing as the CD was made and hopes that everyone who listens will be touched in the same way that she was.
‘Jesus at the Center’ – CD Launch by Cherith Bell
Saturday, 11th May 2019 in Wellington Presbyterian Church, Ballymena at 7:30pm.
Her Launch Night at Wellington promises to be equally special. Supporting her at the event will be Lucy Magee and the ever-popular Alex Robb:
“Alex is a really nice guy”, smiles Cherith. “The songs he sings and the heart he puts into his singing is just incredible. I am very honoured and blessed to have him with me on the night.”
Copies of ‘Jesus at the Center’ will be available to buy at the launch event for only £10. All profits will be given to the Gospel Bus Ministry, Ballymena in support of their work amongst homeless people in Belfast. The address for Wellington Church is 28 Sourhill Road, Ballymena BT42 2NB.
Any one who wants to buy an album after the launch may do so by contacting Cherith via cherithl.bell@googlemail.com or 07920 104483. Alternatively, find her on Facebook here.